Preparation: - Tools: Plaster meter, portable cutter or corner cutting nippers, nail, rigger, trowel - Material: Cement mortar grade 100 with suitable aggregating, plaster bead - Personnel: 01 main worker + 01 assistant Steps of installation: - Determining the location, number of edges, types, angles - Clean the corners. In case of any convexo-concave, or roughness, must chisel or fill in to make the evenness before carry out the installation. - Determine the vertical and horizontal sides at the installation location as per the vertical and horizontal directions of the marks - Fix by the nails and bind by the plastering mortar, grade of 100 - Carry out the wall plastering after the binding is formed. Notes: |
Video clip for work instructions
- Seriously abide by the labor safety regulations before working at height level or on scaffold - The plastering angle bead installation is only implemented after the construction structure has been formed. - When carrying out the binding plastering, we should plaster each thin layer from 5-8mm, plaster at the corner head and bottom, then plaster the inside positions - The binding location intervals are not to far, assuring that they are within the meter length to assure the best binding, and most steadiness and the most effectiveness. - Assure the binding plaster layers well adhere to the work structure surface. For the adhesiveness, might spray water and plaster cement mortar before installing - After the plastering, of the corners, must assure that the corners are sharp the right angles must be checked by meters. Cover any locations easy to be collided or put signs to avoid any collision - When not using the product, should put it on a dry, even spacious surface, avoiding any sunlight contact for too long to assure the best quality. - Assure there is a scaffold before the installation. The platform for work performing on the scaffold or under the scaffold must be cleaned before the work execution. |
Preparation: - Tools: Plaster meter, portable cutter or corner cutting nippers, nail, rigger, trowe - Material: Cement mortar grade 100 with suitable aggregating, Groove joint - Personnel: 1 assistant worker Steps of installation: - Determining the location, number and types of grooves - Clean wall surfaces. In case of any convexo-concave, or roughness, must chisel or fill in to make the evenness before carry out the installation. - Determine the vertical and horizontal sides at the installation location as per the vertical and horizontal directions of the marks - Fix by the nails and bind by the plastering mortar, grade of 100 - Carry out the wall plastering after the binding is formed Notes: |
Video clip for work instructions
- Seriously abide by the labor safety regulations before working at height level or on scaffold - The groove line is only implemented acer the construction structure has been formed. - When carrying out the binding plastering, we should plaster each thin layer from 5-8mm, plaster at the corner head and bottom, then plaster the inside positions. The binding locationintervals are not to far, assuring that they are within the meter length to assure the best binding, and most steadiness and the most effectiveness. - Assure the binding plaster layers well adhere to the work structure surface. For the adhesiveness, might spray water and plaster cement mortar before installing - After the plastering, of the corners, must assure that the corners are sharp, the right angles must be checked by meters. Cover any locations easy to be collided or put signs to avoid any collision. Check the wall surface, the abutting points, lightly knocking to find out any spongy or breaking? If any, re-plastering. Clean the decoration grooves after plastering by cloth. - When not using the product, should put it on a dry, even spacious surfaces avoiding any sunlight contact for too long to assure the best quality. - Assure there is a scaffold before the installation. The platform for work performing on the scaffold or under the scaffold must be cleaned before the work execution - Metering the length of the groove line of 2m, before the installation, must re-cut for the straightness, assuring the joints are tight and beautiful - At the inside and outside corners of the grooves, should cut at 45oC, by cutter for the straight and sharp cutting line. The right corners should be checked by meter - When using exterior decoration, should paint on the grooves for the more durability and beauty of the product |
Preparation: - Tools: Plaster meter, portable cutter or corner cutting nippers, nail, rigger, trowel - Material: cement mortar grade 100 with suitable aggregating, Tile trim, corner tiling accessories - Personnel: l main worker + 1 assistant worker Steps of installation - Determining the location, number and types of corners that should be tiled - Clean the wall corners that should be tiled... - Determine the vertical and horizontal sides at the tiling corners. - Binding by cement mortar - Carrying out any opening plastering when the binding is formed. Notes:
Video clip for work instructions
- Seriously abide by the labor safety scaffold regulations before working at height level or on staffold - The tiling is only carried out when the wall, ceiling, door installation, door painting, wall painting are already finished. For the tile trim, only carry out when the structure of the wall corners have been formed. The wall corners and the walls must be plastered in a straight, qualified manner before tiling.. - The binding mortar must be fully covered the under surface of the tiles and the joining lints between the tiles and tile trims. Mustn't be spongy or broken. The thickness of the joining mortar mustn' t be too thick, too thin, maximum of 10mm. Should spray the water for warmness so that the water in the join mortar is not absorbed too quickly when tiling. - After the tiling of the corners, must assure that he corners are straight and sharp, the right corners must be checked by meter. The openings between the tiles and tile trims must be smaller than lmm. In case of any defect, must correct at once. For locations that are easy to be collided, must cover or put sign to avoid any possible collision . - After the tiling, must clean the tile surfaces, the title trims to avoid any humidity from cement - The work platform must be cleaned before the work implementation. The disqualified material must be moved. Select the straight, even, and standard tiles to carry out the comer tiling. . - Before carrying out the channel work, must assure that the openings between the tiles and the tile trims are clean, no-dust, might use vacuum cleaner to clear the dust. - At the corner end, the interfacing comer of the tile trims, use the angle corner accessories to deal with it. At the joints, use the cutter to create a straight cut lines and the binding joints . - Must fill in the space in the tile trim by cement mortar to avoid any breaking after strong collision. Select the suitable tile trim products for each kind of tiles to assure the beauty for tiles when tiling. |
Preparation: - Tools: Plaster meter, portable cutter or plastering tools... - Material: Cement mortar grade 100 with suitable aggregating. Door frame - Personnel: 1 main worker + 1 assistant worker Steps of installation: - Determining the location, number and types of door frames that should be installed - Clean the wall surface, the door frame at the tiling positions - Determine the vertical and horizontal sides at the tiling corners - Binding by cement mortar, grade of 10 - Carrying out the plastering or tiling work when the binding is formed Notes: |
Video clip for work instructions
- Seriously abide by the labor safety regulations before working at height level or on scaffold - The door frame work is only carried out when the wall, ceiling, door installation, door painting, wall painting are already finished. The door frame when installed must assure the sharpness, straightness. Should check the plump and the meter to assure the squareness of the door frame. The altitude of the frame must be uniformed on the standard cos platform - The door frame work is only carried out before the plastering and tiling work - Assure that the mortar layer is well adhesive to the work structure. To create the adhesiveness, might spray water and plaster cement mortar at the binding plastering points before installation - When carrying out the binding plastering, should plaster thin layers from 5-8mm, plaster at the corner head and bottom, then plaster the inside positions. The binding location intervals are not to far, assuring that they are within the meter length to assure the best binding, and most steadiness and the most effectiveness. In case: - The plastering layer abuts the door frame: After the wall plastering, if at any locations easy to be collided or put signs to avoid any collision. Check the wall surface, the abutting points lightly knocking to find out any spongy or breaking? lf any, re-plastering. Clean the decoration grooves after plastering by cloth. - The tiling layer abuts the door frame: When tiling, should plaster binding cement mortar and properly carry out the tiling procedures for the tile trim products - When not using the product, should put it on a dry, even spacious surface, avoiding any sunlight contact for too long to assure the best quality.. - The work platform must be cleaned before the work implementation. - When dealing with corners of 90OC as per the door frame, should use cutter to create corners of 45oC for the door frame bar - When using exterior decoration, should plaster putty on the door frame to get the beauty effectiveness and the good surface storage. |
Preparation: - Tools: Plaster meter, portable cutter or corner nippers, screw, knives - Material: putty, drywall angle bead - Personnel: 01 worker + 0 1 assistant worker Steps of installation: - Determining the location, number and types of door frames that should be installed - Clean the corners of installation. In case of unevenest or roughness, must make it even before the corner tiling. Can use portable grinder - Determine the standard vertical direction of the corner - Fix by screw and bind by putty - Care out the putty plastering after locating Notes: |
Video clip for work instructions
- Seriously abide by the labor safety regulations scaffold before working at height level or on - The Drywall angle bead is only carried out after the brick wall, light brick wall and column have been plastered; the gypsum wales, seaboard have been installed. - When plastering putty, the putty thickness is from 1-3mm - Must assure that the plastering layer is well adhesive to the work structure surface. When pressing, must use the force which is strong enough to create the adhesiveness and the evenness - After the plastering of the corners, must assure the corners are straight, the right corners must be checked by meter. At the locations of easy collision, should cover or use sign. - When not using the product, should put it on a dry, even spacious surface, avoiding any sunlight contact for too long to assure the best quality.. - The work platform must be cleaned before the work implementation. The operation platform on or under the platform must be cleaned before the work implementation. |
The notes for the contractor before applying the products on the construction:
- Having specific work schedule for each stage, assuring that the installation work is always before other relating works.
- Prepare suitable personnel, assure the personnel has been trained on the product installation work from the suppliers.
- Must assure suitable equipment and tools. Should equip the corner cutters and laser locating equipment for the work effectiveness.
- when carrying out the installation, must follow the recommendations and technical consulting from the supplier to have the best quality.
Preparation: - Tools: Plaster meter, portable cutter or corner nippers, screw, knives - Material: putty, drywall ceiling bead - Personnel: 01 worker + 01 assistant worker Steps of installation: - Determining the location, number and types that should be installed - Clean the comers of installation. In case of unevenest or roughness, must make it even before the corner tiling. Can use cutting knives. - Fix by screw and bind by putty - Carry out the putty plastering after locating Notes: |
Video clip for work instrucions
- Seriously abide by the labor safety regulations before working at height level or on scaffold - The Drywall ceiling bead is only carried out after the brick wall, light brick wall and column have been plastered; the gypsum wails, seaboard have been installed. - Install drywall ceiling trim at the joining location between the ceiling and wall, floor and ceiling, door sides and partitions. - When screwing, should select the suitable screws, guaranteeing not presence of roughness or foreground to assure the beauty of corners. - When screwing, must assure the adhesion of the drywall ceiling bead into the metal shaping bar of the wall, ceiling. The screwing distance is about o.5m/screw - When plastering putty, the putty thickness is from 1-3mm - Must assure that the plastering layer is well adhesive to the work structure surface.When pressing, must use the force which is strong enough to create the adhesiveness and the evenness - After the plastering of the corners, must assure the corners are straight, the right corners must be checked by meter. At the locations of easy collision, should cover or use sign. - When net using the product, should put it on a dry, even spacious surface, avoiding any sunlight contact for too long to assure the best quality.. - The work platform must be cleaned before the work implementation. The operation platform on or under the platform must be cleaned before the work implementation. |
Preparation: - Tools: Plaster meter, portable cutter or corner nippers, screw, knives - material: putty, drywall joint - Personnel: 01 worker + 01 assistant worker Steps of installation: - Determining the location, number and types that should be installed - Clean the corners of installation. In case of uneveness or roughness, must make it even before the corner tiling. Can use cutting knives. - Fix by screw and bind by putty - Carry out the putty plastering after locating Notes: |
Video clip for work instrucions
- Video clip for work instructions - Seriously abide by the labor safety regulations before working at hight level or on staffold - The Drywall joint is only carried out after the gypsum walls, cemboard has been installed and the grooves have been created on the wall or ceiling. - Install drywall ceiling trim at the joining location between two ceilings, two wales - When screwing, should select the suitable screws, guaranteeing not presence of roughness or foreground to assure the beauty of comers. - When screwing, must assure the adhesion of the drywall ceiling bead into the metal shaping bar of the wall, ceiling. The screwing distance is about o.5m/screw - When plastering putty, the putty thickness is from 1-3mm - Must assure that the plastering layer is well adhesive to the work structure surface. When pressing, must use the force which is strong enough to create the adhesiveness and the evenness. To be more careful, might use net to cover the joining location to limit the crackness - After the plastering of the corners, must assure the corners are straight, the right corners must be checked by meter. At the locations of easy collision, should cover or use sign. - When not using the product, should put it on a dry, even spacious surface, avoiding any sunlight contact for too long to assure the best quality.. - The work platform must be cleaned before the work implementation. The operation platform on or under the platform must be cleaned before the work implementation. |
The work is carried out quicker as the plaster angle bead is much quicker compared to corner plastering.
- More beautiful as the corners are even, beautiful, standard as per the design, not depend on the workmanship of the plastering worker. Might make the convex or concave that the manual method can't do.
- More durable when using as the limit on the nicking when colliding. The materials are suitable with the construction standards applied.
- Costs saving: As the costs for the product buying and the installation is less than the manual way
- The work effects are better as there is a clear work assignment between the installation and plastering works, making the work more effective.
- The work is carried out quicker as the groove line installation is much quicker compared to manual grooving. In case of much work load, then the manual method shall not meet the work schedule.
- More beautiful as the grooves are even, beautiful, standard as per the design, not depend on the workmanship of the plastering worker. Might make grooves with different forms and shapes - More durable as the materials are suitable with the construction standards applied.
- Costs saving: As the costs for the product buying and the installation is less than the manual way
- The work effects are better as there is a clear work assignment between the installation and plastering works, making the work more effective.
- The work is carried out quicker as the tile trim it is much quicker than the manual tile cutting and sharping. In case of much work load, then the manual method shall not meet the work schedule.
- More beautiful as the grooves are even, beautiful, standard as per design, not depending on the workmanship of the plastering worker. Might make the right or round corners. There are lot of colors and types for each tile.
- More durable as the materials are suitable with the construction standards applied. Limit the nicking when tiling
- Safer for the users: At the toilets, bathrooms, the round corners are better in case of any collision.
- Costs saving: As the costs for the product buying and the installation is less than the manual way for the method of brick cutting and loss when cutting tile...
Video clip for work instruction
Video clip for work instructions
Video clip for work instruction
Video clip for work instructions
The fundamentals of making good concrete have been known since the nineteenth century, but not often used in reinforced concrete through the difficulties of placement, compaction and curing. Poor quality control led to rusting of the reinforcing steel and spalling (chip, crack or flake) of the concrete cover.
It is discouraging and alarming as we move into a new millennium that we still hear of concrete structures with rusting and spalling problems.
To eliminate this weakness it is essential that the reinforcing bars be surrounded by sufficient impermeable concrete to stop them from rusting. If moisture and or air penetrate the concrete the reinforcing will then rust and expand, which will encourage the concrete to spall and reinforcing to be exposed.
DHN Concrete products Ltd manufactures of concrete spacers continue with an ongoing research and development program allied to production testing which keeps our product as the leader in eliminating the rusting and spalling problem so often seen in other non concrete barchairs. The superior performance comes from the poured concretes ability to bond around the spacer made of such compatible physical characteristics.
DHN Spacers use a waterproofing agent and as can be seen on the accompanying test report are able to exceed the stated 45Mpa figure we quote
1. Vít khoan bê tông không trương nở ( không tắc kê):
stt |
Dạng đầu vít |
Đường kính vít (mm) |
Chiều dài tổng (mm) |
Đường kính Lỗ khoan (mm) |
Chiều sâu neo nhỏ nhất hmin (mm) |
Lực kéo nhổ (kN) |
Đóng gói (Cái/hộp) |
Thép mạ |
Inox |
Thép mạ |
Inox |
Thép mạ |
Inox |
Thép mạ |
Inox |
Thép mạ |
Inox |
Thép mạ |
Inox |
1 |
Vít đầu dù |
4 |
25 |
3.5 |
20 |
20 |
2.2 |
2.5 |
200 |
150 |
2 |
32 |
30 |
30 |
2.6 |
3.3 |
150 |
110 |
3 |
38 |
125 |
85 |
4 |
5 |
25 |
4.3 |
20 |
20 |
1.9 |
3.1 |
80 |
60 |
5 |
35 |
30 |
30 |
3.5 |
4.1 |
70 |
50 |
6 |
45 |
60 |
45 |
7 |
60 |
50 |
35 |
8 |
70 |
40 |
25 |
9 |
Vít đầu phẳng |
4 |
25 |
3.5 |
20 |
20 |
2.2 |
2.5 |
200 |
150 |
10 |
32 |
30 |
30 |
2.6 |
3.5 |
150 |
110 |
11 |
38 |
125 |
85 |
12 |
45 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100 |
0 |
13 |
5 |
25 |
4.3 |
20 |
20 |
1.9 |
3.1 |
80 |
60 |
14 |
35 |
30 |
30 |
3.5 |
4.1 |
70 |
55 |
15 |
45 |
60 |
45 |
16 |
60 |
50 |
35 |
17 |
70 |
40 |
25 |
18 |
6 |
0 |
35 |
0 |
5.5 |
0 |
30 |
0 |
2.2 |
0 |
40 |
0 |
19 |
45 |
40 |
2.6 |
35 |
20 |
60 |
30 |
21 |
70 |
30 |
22 |
75 |
25 |
23 |
90 |
20 |
24 |
Vít đầu vành nón |
4 |
25 |
3.5 |
3.5 |
20 |
2.2 |
2.5 |
150 |
110 |
25 |
32 |
30 |
2.6 |
3.3 |
125 |
95 |
2. Vít khoan bê tông trương nở ( dùng tắc kê nhựa):
Stt |
Hình ảnh |
Đường kính lỗ khoan do (mm) |
Chiều sâu neo hiệu quả hef (mm) |
Chiều dài tắc kê I (mm) |
Chiều sâu tối thiểu cho lắp đặt h2 (mm) |
1 |
5 |
25 |
30 |
45 |
2 |
5 |
25 |
30 |
45 |
3 |
5 |
25 |
40 |
55 |
4 |
5 |
25 |
40 |
55 |
5 |
5 |
25 |
50 |
65 |
6 |
5 |
25 |
50 |
65 |
7 |
6 |
30 |
40 |